Japanese Pink
Waverly Japanese Pink. Ultra bright pink color, great highlight contrast.
Dark Black
Dark Black
Waverly Dark Black. Dark Black - Tattoo Pigment 12 Fluid Ounces.
A.P. Black (Formerly BlueBird)
Waverly BlueBird Black is now Waverly A.P. Black (All-Purpose Black). It is exactly the same mix and formula you know...
Water Lock
Water Lock
Sold Out
Waverly Water Lock. Water Lock is a great addition to the post-tattooing breakdown process. It absorbs 200-300 times its own...
Japanese Red
Waverly Japanese Red. Ultra bright red color, great highlight contrast.
Waverly Japanese Orange. Ultra bright orange color, great highlight contrast.
Waverly White. Best mixing color, hands down.
Murray Gold
Waverly Murray Gold. Significantly darker then our regular gold, another traditional staple.
Waverly Red. The best all around red.
Waverly Melba. Perfect pin-up skin tone, with so many other uses.
Waverly Seafoam A bright blue/green highlight color.
Waverly Lavender. A consistent, light shade of purple.
Dynasty Green
Waverly Dynasty Green. Dynasty Green, our take on a much loved and classic green!
Waverly Battleship Grey. True opaque grey. Great for consistency, especially when you have to go back into a larger piece...
Payne's Grey
Waverly Payne's Grey This grey has a blue wash to it, like a steel grey.

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